Driving While Impaired (DWI / DUI)
Huntersville DWI Lawyers / Huntersville DUI Attorneys
Huntersville DWI Lawyers / Huntersville DUI Attorneys
A DWI / DUI charge is no laughing matter. Although a DWI is only a misdemeanor offense, it can have serious negative effects on your life and your career. Not only will you face the stigma that comes along with having been arrested and charged with DWI, but you may lose your privilege to drive. Many employers, also, have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to DWIs. Thus, a DWI will not only effect your current job, it will effect any potential job you plan to apply for in the future. For many people, if they can't drive, they can't work.
At Adkins Law, our goal is to provide you with as much information as possible on alcohol, driving, and DWIs. We want to help you make informed decisions about safety and driving after you've consumed alcohol. It is, after all, not illegal to drive after you consume alcohol. You must not, however, let the alcohol impair your ability to drive, reach the statutory limit of .08, or have any amount of a Schedule I controlled substance in your system.
If you have any questions regarding DWI / DUI law, or would like to speak to a Huntersville DWI lawyer / Huntersville DUI lawyer about a pending DWI charge, feel free to contact Adkins Law. Adkins Law is located in Huntersville, and primarily serves Mecklenburg County, Charlotte, and the Lake Norman area. An experienced Huntersville DUI attorney can discuss your options with you and guide you through the legal process.
DWI Information
- Alcohol and Driving
- Pre-Arrest Test
- Checking Stations and Roadblocks
- Alcohol Screening Test Devices
- Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST)
- Intox EC/IR II
- Refusals
- Search Warrant for Blood
- Retrograde Extrapolation
- Substance Abuse Assessment
- Limited Driving Privilege
- Ignition Interlock Device
- DWI Vehicle Seizure
- Knoll Motions